Are your programs religiously affiliated?

We welcome people of all religious faiths, spiritual traditions, and other belief systems. We are not religiously affiliated, and our curriculum is not religious in content.

What are your child to teacher ratios?

Little Explorers has a maximum of 5:1

Homeschool Tutorial max 10:1

Block Classes: max 10:1

What is the difference between the Tutorial and the Block Classes?

The Tutorial includes long amount of unstructured/self-guided play and exploration, a focus on socialization, and occasional crafts in addition to the academic morning lesson.

The Block Classes are academically focused, with a short break for a snack and social time. The Lunch/Games is a time for lunch, socializing, games, and wrapping up any unfinished projects for the the morning class.

Can I pay monthly?

For tutorial we offer a two-part payment plan, where you can split the semester fee into two payments. If requested, we will gladly discuss this with you on a case by case basis.

For other programs, we will gladly discuss a payment plan with you on a case by case basis.

Can we drop in to the tutorial some weeks without committing to a whole semester?

Due to the nature of our program, we find it better for children to attend regularly. At this point we do not have a “drop-in” option.

How do scholarships work?

Write to us and let us know what amount of support your family needs in order to attend the program. We will let you know what amount we can offer you (it depends on how much is in the scholarship fund at a given time).

Is this a drop-off or a parent participation class?

All programs are drop-off programs.

Is this program a good fit for my child?

We want all students to learn freely within their developmental abilities and get to be challenged, but not overwhelmed.  Children cannot learn, or enjoy the learning process, if they are overwhelmed.

Fit:  Most children thrive within our programs, but we honor that our program is not the right fit for all children. Some have had some adjustments or difficulty transitioning to our structured atmosphere, and our consistent boundaries, while some find it more “loose” and learn to move more freely and self-guided.   

Age:  On occasion we will allow a younger or older child we already know, often a sibling, to join a program outside of their age ragne.  We don't yet have the flexibility/ability to do this with children we do not know.  If you feel your child might do well and is outside this age range, please join one of our community events so we can get to know you!

Our age parameters are not a hard and fast rule, but guidelines for general development.  Some children are developmentally older than their age, and some children are developmentally younger than their age.   If your child is on the cusp, please use the following guidelines to determine if your child is a fit for the Tutorial, Camp, and Block Classes. We do not currently consider children under age 6 for the homeschool tutorial.

The following list outlines the skills needed to be successful in our learning environment in our Block Classes, Homeschool Tutorial and Summer Camp programs (Little Explorers are not expected to have mastered all of the following skills)

  • Comfortable being outdoors in various weather conditions, in all seasons (including being around bugs or in dirt), or flexible enough to be willing to learn how to do this

  • Comfortable with “nature potty”

  • Able to follow our agreements of Respect Self, Respect Others, and Respect Nature (outlined in detail our Policies in the section titled Conduct Agreements)

  • Able to follow directions from teachers, and rules in games with other children (for example: has the emotional skills to handle being given a chore they don’t like, get tagged in a game, lose a game, and play fairly)

  • Able to handle and resolve conflicts at an age appropriate level, and ask for help when needed

  • Able to pack up belongings, unpack, change clothing, and take off and put on shoes independently (for children older than 5 years old)

    If this is a good fit for your child, you are welcome to sign up!

    If this is not yet a good fit, we look forward to teaching them when they are ready.

How do I know if your programs are a good fit for me as a parent?

If you have read all of our policies and procedures and are aligned with them, then that is a good start. This includes:

  • You understand our Agreements Policies, and the way that breaking the Agreements are handled both for your child, and for other children in the program

  • You understand that developmentally, children are not all able to follow the Agreements when first joining our program, but that these policies are designed to teach them how, and help them practice

  • You understand that all of our programs give children the opportunity to make and learn from their mistakes

  • You understand that our students come from many backgrounds, socio-economic situations, neurotypical and neurodivergent, family types, religions, faiths, cultures, and parenting styles, and that we create an atmosphere where everyone can learn to collaborate together and enjoy each other’s company

  • You understand that by registering, you agree to the refund policies outlined on the program page, and that refunds are unavailable after the un-enrollment deadline, even if you discover the program is not the right fit for you

  • You want to work collaboratively with teachers to be sure your child has the best possible experience at our program

  • You understand the value of your child experiencing “boredom.” We believe that boredom is a gateway to creativity and self-discovery! While we offer curriculum and guided activities, the bulk of our offerings include unguided play time. We believe this is the most valuable way children learn. During free time, children can explore nature, engage in games or imaginative play with other children, request teachers to accompany them on hikes or creek play, read stories or explore field guides, or anything else that sparks their curiosity. We find that children who are not used to large amounts of free time, or time away from screens more frequently report “being bored” during these parts of our program. This also tends to happen more at certain ages. Our belief is that the best things arise from “boredom”, and so we always say “it’s okay to be bored.” We give suggestions of things to do or play, but we do not feel it is our role as teachers to provide entertainment to our students. We encourage their creative and imaginative abilities, and invite them to find something that interests them. We will support them in figuring out how to engage that, but we won’t tell them exactly what to do! We see a lot of magic happen when children have this kind of space and support.

Will I find like-minded people here?

We love our diverse community, and are proud that it consists of people who don’t all think, look, or live the same way, or believe and practice the same things. We are students, families, and adults with a wide range of political beliefs, religious beliefs, social priorities and values, economic experiences, neurological and physical abilities, parenting styles, and backgrounds that span the spectrum of possibilities. We all interact with others who might approach life differently.

The foundation of our community interactions is held by our Three Agreements: Respect Self, Respect Others, and Respect Nature. We have a very rich opportunity to view each other as human beings who all long to care for their loved ones, make the world a better place, and live a fulfilling life. We may come to different conclusions about how to do that as individuals, and that’s okay. We still respect and support each other as fellow humans on this journey of life.

We believe learning and practicing the skills of how to engage with others from all walks of life with care is a precious and valuable skill, and goes a long way to create the kind of world we can all thrive within. Sometimes we may rub against our personal edge of comfort as we seek to find common ground. By using the Three Agreements as a guiding foundation we can reach across divides, and believe that this is worth the occasional discomfort.

If you are seeking a community of all like-minded people, Nature Explorers may not be the right fit for you. There are many other communities locally that meet very specific groups of people, and those may be more along the lines of what you seek.

If you are able to practice respect, care, and patience then you are welcome to join our growing community and the classes and events we hold.

What is your refund policy?

Some programs offer a refund policy, some are non-refundable. Please be aware of the policy, which is listed on each program’s home page.

We rely on registration numbers to run our programs and pay all associated fees, so we are often unable to accommodate refunds. This keeps Judy and Leslie focused on providing quality curriculum, rather than spending the time it takes to process registrations, and the time and cost it takes to fill the vacant spots so the program can go on as planned.

By registering for a program, you are committing to pay the entire tuition of that program after the deadline, whether or not you participate for the duration of the program. This includes no refunds for days misses due to travel, illness, moving, or days missed due to inclement weather. If a program offers a payment plan, payments are due BY the due date on the website. A late payment will result in a late fee, or inability to attend class. 

What are your other policies?

You will find our policies and procedures here.

I am another outdoor educator/school- can we schedule a call or meeting?

Although we would LOVE to be able to meet with everyone teaching outdoors or running a nature school, our schedule simply does not allow for it. Between teaching our actual programs, and doing all the admin and behind the scenes of running a business, we aren’t able to meet up with others at the frequency it is requested (we get these invitations very often). We would love to have your contact information though, as we hope to schedule some gatherings for outdoor educators in the area to meet and greet. If you would like to hire us to help you brainstorm the logistics of running a school or a class, or to get curriculum ideas, you can email us with this inquiry.

What is your homeschool curriculum?

Our homeschool curriculum is a mix of academic stimulation with a heavy dose of play, exploration, and socialization.  It is written by the teachers, in real time, to meet the needs of the students and inspired by the natural surroundings, and thus is in constant creation and evolution.   

When some students are struggling to resolve a conflict, a lesson will focus on social-emotional awareness.  When there is lots of rain and the dry creeks fill, we focus on the water cycle.  When the black walnuts are falling, we gather them for tie-dying and cure them for eating.  If there is a tragedy, like the tornado of 2020, or Covid, we use guided conversation to process the experience, and offer indigenous stories as a healing balm for the soul.

What is your masking policy?

We do not require masks for the children, but families are welcome to have their child masked at their preference. We can remind your child to stay masked when not eating, just let us know.

How do you meet the needs of different ages and abilities?

Our experienced teachers have a deep knowledge of child development and the ability to assess different children’s abilities.  This informs the unique curriculum to meet a wide range of needs.  We also divide the group by age/ability, but also allow the children to self-select a group if that seems best for them.

What is it like for children who come more than one day?

These children become a staple of the social experience, hone their leadership skills and deepen their self-confidence even more.  Curriculum is not repeated exactly over multiple days, and if we do build on a previous day’s lesson, the child is given a specific role in helping their peers, and a challenge to support them going deeper into the lesson.

Can I volunteer for Nature Explorers?

At this time, the best way you can support us with your volunteer time is to attend the Community Service Days!